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NIS - Item: ~din 931, unc, (~8.8), 1/2 x 13 x 2-1/4, zn

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HomeBoltsHexagon head boltsHex cap screws with shank, with unc thread
~DIN 931, UNC, (~8.8), 1/2 x 13 x 2-1/4, Zn
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~DIN 931, UNC, (~8.8), 1/2 x 13 x 2-1/4, Zn Hex cap screws with shank, with UNC thread
Code of goods 83931.8821.1213214
Standard ~DIN 931 UNC
Diameter 12.70
Length 57.15
Weight kg per 100 6.790
Pieces per package 50